h8te it. lov3 it. what3v3r. just Njoy it.; -RinOntheRox

09 January 2010

...Spare Me.;

iWouLd like to make myself believe tht this pLanet Earth turns slowLy but...
it is hard to say!
iWouLd rather stay awake whn im sLeep because...
Everything is never as it seems!
To 10 miLLion firefLies, iAm weird because iHate goodbyes...
Take a second, just a second...hmph, spare me!
My heart.
Think about me...my feeLings.
My feeLings...
that seems like they wiLL never fade away!
Being attachd to the affection of you...
Missing the scent you dnt even know you have!
ALL the apsects of love are so hard to DEFEAT!
....it is hard to beat love AND be abLe to controL emotions: "physicaLLy nd metally"!'
Past reLationships...the ppL who just seem to "come aLong"...feeLing of doubt...WHATEVER
....iSwear when we defeat these downfaLLs of love, we'LL be soo hiGh!
&nd coming down wiLL sound so degrading...
But aLL in the same....
Take a second, just a second...hmph, spare me!

My heart.
Think about me...my feeLings.
My feeLings...
That wiLL never leave you in the coLd
WiLLing to finish what they started
For the new experiences to unfoLd.
My heart is precious...very fragiLe
iRemade it with gLass
You break, you buy!

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