nd gentLy wakes me up
iOpen my eyes to pure deLight..beauty...YOU
iThought it was just a dream nd aLone iWouLd stay
untiL iFeLt you puLL me cLoser...
iCouLdnt heLp bt to smiLe
...iLonged for the day
your juices lingered on the sheets
from the passionate night we shared last night
it's morning nd iRest in your arms w/a smiLe on my face
no disruption or distraction.
just you me nd our aromas
we exchanged the best of ourseLves.
iLay my head on your chest
iHear your heart beating(my fave song)
nd it whispers to me
teLLing me things iALready know but...
it sounds good to hear them over nd over
iHave no worries nor regrets whn iAm with you
you wrap your arm around me...
then stare into your eyes as you caress my cheek gentLy
iAm steady trying to discover the words to describe you
the ones that fits the beat that is the tune that im banging to
your love pLucks the strings of my heart
giving off these heavenLy vibrations
that causes my thoughts to hesitate at times
my house is no longer my home
my home is [ in ] your heart
your presence nd your thoughts became my room
nd your love is the onLy thing tht keeps my heart in tune
iAm steady trying to discover the words to describe you
onLy four letters come to mind that make sense now
so true...
-CLyde.; "The.Mrs."
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