h8te it. lov3 it. what3v3r. just Njoy it.; -RinOntheRox

07 January 2010

My definition.;

This has become an INFATUATION
so iWiLL exchange my mind
No wasting time...
This process? Mine...PERIOD.
In Your eyes my reflection is blind
In your arms iDecide...
This is OUR night.
iReLax as iScatter through miLLions of my deepest innermost feeLings....in my mind
iCant find the right things to say so...
iLeave it aLL up to my heart...she speaks
This Love is reacting in perfect symmetry
YOU are my destiny
The very best of me
We are both victims of circumstance
So aLL thts left is a chance....
With you ive come to fuLL reaLization
Of the word "Compromise"
iDont take it lightLy
Your heart invites me
We are two in the same
....but iWant you
Just as much as you want me
iWanna show you how this chemistry....
intertwines our souLs....WHOLE
iGet so breathless when you call my name
...No need to wonder if you feel the same
when iLook into your eyes
iFeeL your heart's warmth on my skin
i'd like to put my fingers on you
&nd paint this picture for you....
be my canvas?
iF it wasnt for your love...
iWouLdnt have a light so bright blinding my eyes

Nor finally see how it feels to live a dream
iWouLdnt have touched the sky
Or ever flown so high... 
Because it is YOU who fiLLs the cracks of my broken heart...mmmh...
Babe...iBathe in the fountain of your essence 
iAm humble by your presence
iCan see the best nd worst of you nd guess what?
iWiLL STILL be standing right here...next to you

....washing my intentions with your name
There isnt one thing iWouLdnt do for you
So teLL me aLL your wishes
&nd iWiLL make sure they come true
iF iWas to ever lose you...
The first tears in Heaven ever cried....would be MINE

Now tell me how iCould ever live w/o you
Forever could never be enough...
'Cause iPromise to give you the rest of my life
&nd for the rest of my life...
iWiLL love YOU
Every ounce of your seasoned perfection...
is ALL that iLive for...
My definition.;

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