h8te it. lov3 it. what3v3r. just Njoy it.; -RinOntheRox

29 August 2010

hates to feeL tht my conscience is R I G H T
when iGet the feeLing someone is tLkin behind my bck
smethn just whispers to me saying, "Watch each set of hands..."
if everyone's hands around you are moving nd yours arent wht does tht teLL you.?
D U H. Jus think.
aLL iCan do is shake it nd keep moving, but [in] reaLity, it makes sense.
iWouLd be wrong to caLL ppL out though.
The ppL tht r supposed to care nd be there...ARENT
how does tht work.?
....idk  maybe it is just ME huh.?

my heart is heavy, but not [in] tht doubtfuL way
iJust hav random things scurring through my head nd iCnt stop them right now.

Signed:: MisUnderstood.;

02 July 2010


So iHave had this thought on my mind for awhiLe (a week ^_^
To get my.....C H E E K S pierced!!!
yes my face! My cousin nd her girLfriend are piercing feigns nd tht was one of their MANY experiments.!!! iLike the medusa piercings too but....not for me! So wht do u ppL think.?


26 February 2010

Dear Heart...

Life right now could indeed be better, but iShare it w/ the best....^_^
my 'Teers are irreplaceable...and to be considered that, they must be different 4rm the rest....righhhht
people always shake their heads like they are always together...yuuuuup Besties FOREVER...Ha!
&nd that's why they shouLd know that when the world walks out on them...I WILL STILL BE HERE!
3M's 4Life

&&nd the day iWrote tht iThought tht was the end to aLL friendships...
life forever nd a day
...but iGuess it's true...aLL good things come to an end
the days...nights...laughter...nd cries made a U
yet we aLL have our fauLts in life.
iForgive, but iCan NEVER forget.
it is definiteLy just one of those days
for one of these things
....for you to have to let go of what you thought was a LIFELONG friend
but things happen for a reason....right?
There is no need to front or lie
[in] the back of mind dangLing somewhere are the memories we shared once
memory lane?
ha. funny how things change like the seasons do.
[in] &nd out like the brisk of an autumn's breeze.
my heart just wont except the fact.
ugh. how did we end up here?
where do we..you...ya'll go?
my feeLings are bumrushing each other.
so iGotta keep it moving.
Just hope you're happy.

01 February 2010

OnLy You.;

you don't even know how lucky you make me FeeL

you aLone have heLped my heart heaL

having you to hoLd me

to teLL me everything wiLL be ok


loving you more than one can imagine possibLe

you deLiver these feeLings

others onLy WISHED they couLd send

your souL sLeeps in me

whiLe others never got in

iNever knew there was a difference

between happiness and innerpeace

untiL you came aLong nd triggered my reLease


30 January 2010

Love [ in ] mind.;

...As the sun peaks over our bLinds
nd gentLy wakes me up
iOpen my eyes to pure deLight..beauty...YOU
iThought it was just a dream nd aLone iWouLd stay
untiL iFeLt you puLL me cLoser...
iCouLdnt heLp bt to smiLe
...iLonged for the day
your juices lingered on the sheets
from the passionate night we shared last night
it's morning nd iRest in your arms w/a smiLe on my face
no disruption or distraction.
just you me nd our aromas
we exchanged the best of ourseLves.
iLay my head on your chest
iHear your heart beating(my fave song)
nd it whispers to me
teLLing me things iALready know but...
it sounds good to hear them over nd over
iHave no worries nor regrets whn iAm with you
you wrap your arm around me...
then stare into your eyes as you caress my cheek gentLy
iAm steady trying to discover the words to describe you
the ones that fits the beat that is the tune that im banging to
your love pLucks the strings of my heart
giving off these heavenLy vibrations
that causes my thoughts to hesitate at times
my house is no longer my home
my home is [ in ] your heart
your presence nd your thoughts became my room
nd your love is the onLy thing tht keeps my heart in tune
iAm steady trying to discover the words to describe you
onLy four letters come to mind that make sense now
so true...

-CLyde.; "The.Mrs."

15 January 2010


If iAm never sure about anything eLse, there is ONE thing that iAm sure about nd thats....
....my gut feeling!!!
your intuition...your worth...
iHave taken time nd cLeared my mind 
iHave come to reaLize that...
The best form of freedom is when your mind is made up nd your [ ♥ ] is in the RIGHT pLace
...there is no better feeLing...
you came into my life nd made me reaLize why it nvr worked w/ anyone eLse
onLy our love is truLy genuine...reaL
I'm taLkin abt the sweetest thing I've ever known...
you changed my life forever...for the BETTER!
Baby, iWas made to love YOU!
est. [ 12.14.09 ]

Qoutes. Pictures, Images and Photos

14 January 2010

Why iCry?.;

When iThink of my love for you

...the wonder of its beauty takes my breath away
iCnt recaLL the moment in time it began but...
onLy the overwheLming feeLing of ecstasy it brought to me
For at that moment iKnew happiness.
A happiness iHad never known before.
For just the thought of you gave me joy beyond beLief.
The thought of being with you nd being heLd by you is my one desire
iKnew once we first met...no other would ever do
....for with YOU....iKnew love.
iKnew love as iHad never thought possible in this lifetime.
It is a love of passion...desire...
It is a never-ending need of you...
for you nd ONLY you.
When iThink of my love for you....
iReaLize tht iNow know the TRUE meaning of love.
iWiLL love you as long as this life endures nd aLLows
for you are my dreams...my reaLities...
You are my heart....
my souL is dispersed
....ive poured it aLL into your hands
iStiLL manage to keep it together
....whiLe standing on this ground in which is too fragiLe for others to stand
iHave waited so long for a chance to find someone who wouLd love me aLL the same
insecurities stand in the way yet who is to bLame?
some say im just too capacious for love
....though iHave heLd onto you because my heart you revive
iHad given up on love, but when iMet you....iSaid why not another try?
.... thats why iCry.
